Meyer Greenbaum
Jun 7, 20221 min read
Number 2 Ain't Shit
Forgive my words. I’m a native Aussie, and I sometimes like to indulge in the odd bout of colorful language. We swear differently Down...

Meyer Greenbaum
Jun 3, 20222 min read
Mission Possible
A talented entrepreneur recently engaged with BMG Advisors for strategic support on developing and scaling her business. As we reviewed...

Meyer Greenbaum
Jun 2, 20221 min read
Exit Strategy
I sat on an Advisory call yesterday, with the Founder of a Company who is a Platform Partner of mine. At a lull in our conversation, I...

Meyer Greenbaum
Feb 11, 20222 min read
Just smile!
A brilliant, dear friend and Platform Partner called me today. I have been involved with him as a Board Member for a revolutionary...

Meyer Greenbaum
Jan 14, 20222 min read
Everyone’s a Consultant
Everywhere I turn these days, colleagues of mine who have held executive positions in the healthcare industry seem to have hung up their...